About Reiss Chartering
Historically, Reiss Chartering has remained a family business with its roots in Oslo, Norway with activities now centred on Australia. The business evolved through family branches, originating with Arnfred Vevle and Einar Reiss, Oslo, in the early part of the 20th century. At all times, the character of development has been innovative and specialised. Einar Reiss was instrumental in the extension of Wilh. Wilhemsen’s services into Australia and the South Pacific, creating that Line’s “world-wide” service image in the 1920’s. After Word War 2, the business specialised in refrigerated shipping, and was instrumental in the establishment of many new trading patterns, particularly in the North Sea and Mediterranean.
From 1958, Ted Reiss became involved in the business, and embarked upon a study of Australian Liner Services and reefer and break-bulk trading opportunities. In 1963 - 64, Reiss Chartering, through a subsidiary, Sakomas A/S, developed with a French shipyard a unique style of multi-purpose reefer vessel. These sister ships (“Normandie”’ “Frigomare” and “Frigo Prince”) subsequently traded under (Norwegian flag) family management, mainly in the North Sea, Baltic and Mediterranean.
Between 1964 and 1968 we developed very strongly as shipbrokers in reefer trades world wide, with a direct clientele in all continents.
Successfully developed businesses at that time included:
- The establishment of a new reefer trade between Haifa and Marseilles for Agrexco (Israel).
- Contracted annually Polish blueberries from Gdynia and Gdansk to Northern European destinations.
- Contracted with B.U.T. and Ross Fisheries (U.K.) and Hegelund (Norway) with fish offals for Soviet Baltic mink trade.
- Contracted Polish potatoes to Uruguay.
- Established mother ship operation for Nigerian fishing interests.
- Contracted first shipments of Australian frozen mutton into Iran ("Lago Ercina”, Bymos, "Amos") (This was forerunner of successful sheep meats export business for Australia).
- Contracted bananas Ecuador/Japan.
- Expanded Reiss Chartering to Sydney, Australia.
- Established M.F.C. Australia Pty. Ltd. and entered Australia/USEC liner trade competing against Conference cartel.
- Contracted first cargoes of Australian apples and pears to USEC and established a revolutionary system for USDA quarantine approvals.
- Developed cargoes of explosives Dupont/N.W. Australia.
During the 1970’s our negotiations resulted in:
- Completed contract with AMB/AMEFC for Australian beef to U.S.S.R. - Shipments through shipowners Lauritzen (Copenhagen) & Salen (Stockholm).
- Established contract system for N.Z. Apple and Pear Marketing Corporation N.Z./U.S.E.C. and U.K. - Europe thereby breaking Conference monopoly (also with Lauritzen & Salen).
- Negotiated contract system for Australian butter into U.K.- Europe.
- Established car carrying trade utilizing reefer vessels - Japan/Australia (positioning voyages).
- Negotiated the entry of M.F.C. into the Australia/U.S. Atlantic & Gulf Shipping Conference.
- Developed reefer (liner) trade into Jamaica.
- Contracted BMC vehicles (Mini-Mokes) into West Indies.
- Established U.S.E.C./Australia dry cargo liner trade on behalf of M.F.C.
- Developed palletisation system for unitising Australian beef exports.
- Also, during the 1970’s we acted as consultants, during which time we:
- Anchored a lobby group to government departments in Canberra on Shipping development.
- Advised the Australian Meat Exporters Federal Council on ways of developing markets.
- Established Gulfport, Mississippi as alternate discharge port for Australian beef trade to USEC.
- Contracted Australian beef shipments with York International, U.S.A. - all in charter vessels.
- Fixed charters for G.M.H., Ford and Chrysler for cars to East Africa.
- Established Joint Venture (Karlander/Mardina) for a new break-bulk dry cargo trade USWC/Australia.
- Consultant to Australian Meat Board.
- Consultant to Australian Liberal Party Shipping Policy Committee.
- Established Scandinavian information centre for Australian business opportunities in shipping.
- Negotiated sale of M.F.C. reefers with Bruns (Hamburg) and Trafalgar House (Cunard) U.K.
- Consultant to International Reefers, Hamburg.
During the 1980’s:
- Consultant to Traveland Australia (Cruise ships).
- Consultant to Malaysian Airlines Systems (fly/cruise venture).
- Consultant for Traveland Australia/Viva in negotiations with Costa Armatori (Genoa), and Epirotiki (Piraeus).
- Representative on inaugural committee of Australia China Chamber of Commerce.
During the 1990’s we have concentrated our activities as International Australian based independent charter brokers, during which time we have fixed contracts with:
AWB, The Western Australian Grain Pool, United Farmers Cooperative Ltd, Alcoa Australia, Ord River District Coperative Ltd and Ord Sugar Pty Ltd, Knutsen Line Limited, Davao Union Cement Corp, (Philippines), Kathleen Investments, Rooney Shipping & Trading, Gardner Denver, Maywal Trading (UK) Limited, Louis Dreyfus Group (Paris), Milne Feeds (Australia), Queensland Canegrowers, Total Energy Systems Ltd, LSB Chemicals Inc (Oklahoma City), Wavemaster International, GMA Garnet Pty Ltd, Ketelsen Enterprise Pty Ltd, Mitsubishi Corporation (Tokyo), Iwatani International Corporation (Tokyo), Cocos Traders Ltd, Wartsila Diesel (Vaasa, Finland), Hydro Produits Chimiques (Paris), Beston Chemicals (USA) Inc., Hallett Concrete, Adelaide-Brighton Group, Exmouth Limestone, American Raw Materials (P.R.C.), Shinsho Corporation (Japan), Noble Group (P.R.C.), Danelagh Resources, OM Resources, Billiton Marketing (Switzerland), Australasian Minerals & Trading Pty Ltd, V.V. Mineral, India, Tiwest Sales Pty Ltd., AP Ag-Products, BGC, Holcim, Aalborg White Asia Sdn Bhd etc.
As independent shipbrokers we have direct access to shipowners in all corners of the world, most of whom we have worked with for many years. In this respect we have a great level of universal respect and support. Many of the tasks with which we have had close involvement, have developed over many years. Our input has run through the initial feasibility studies, development, fruition; and then in alliance with our clients’ marketing to most segments of international trading successes.
We are aligned, with varying agreements, in the movement of specialist Project cargoes, involving bulk and heavy-lift vessels, under-sea constructions, port development etc., much of which involves the use of specialised tug-barge operations, rock placement, and the carriage of rig and machinery structures.
As specialists in the Handy and Handymax markets, we have concentrated our efforts in South East and Far East Asian markets, which more recently has been expanded to incorporate Europe and Scandinavia. We have daily access to market reports, and provide our clients with regular “open position” lists. In addition, we are conversant with the “parcel” market – which often allows the working of smaller part cargo parcels, so often shipped as “trials” for the establishment of new trades.
We are fully conversant with maritime law, and produce in-house all charter parties and necessary documentations for our clients’ benefit.